AdON is committed to preserving and protecting the environment through the employment of environmental risk management and pollution prevention strategies.
Reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance is an integral and fundamental part of our business strategy and operating methods.
In order to achieve this AdON will:
- Identify, assess and manage the environmental risk arising from our operations thereby minimising any impact to our people, the environment or the wider community.
- Compliance with Trinidad and Tobago Environmental Legislation, ISO 14001:2004 Standard, and Client requirements.
- Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
- Support the sustainable use of resources and actively encourage strategies to re-use, reduce and re-cycle.
- Provide a culture encouraging the development, implementation and continuous improvement of our Environmental Management System.
- Purchase products and services that have the least negative impact on the environment.
- Assess the environmental impact of any new processes or products and implement mitigating measures.
- Train and educate our employees in AdON’s Environmental Management System
- Monitor and measure our impact on the environment and set environmental objectives and targets for ongoing improvement of our Environmental Management System.
We stand firmly committed to this proactive, comprehensive approach to environmental assurance, providing leadership by example.