Our purpose-built facilities allow AdON to carry out a wide range of fabrication projects, ranging from general fabrication to turn arounds and brownfield projects. Additionally these services can be done at our client’s facilities either onshore or offshore. Recently AdON secured a long term welding and fabrication maintenance contract to service one of our client’s entire Offshore facility . Situated on the East cost of Trinidad and facing constant corrosion as a result of salt water exposure , AdON skilled team of welders,fabricators and riggers work on successive crew rotation to maintain and upgrade these facility to adhere to CEC compliance and preserve asset integrity.
The Quality Management System we operate provides clients with the assurance that all QA/QC control is in place, resulting in a full and documented data dossier being issued upon completion. The data dossier is issued as standard, irrespective of the size of the project, providing clients with full historic traceability of materials, standards and tasks executed.